2811-UWT1C100MCL1GB Nichicon Capacitor: electrolytic; SMD; 10uF; 16V; Ø4x5.4mm; ±20%; 1000h; 18mA

Part Nnumber
Capacitor: electrolytic; SMD; 10uF; 16V; Ø4x5.4mm; ±20%; 1000h; 18mA
Basic price
352,76 EUR

The product with part number 2811-UWT1C100MCL1GB (Capacitor: electrolytic; SMD; 10uF; 16V; Ø4x5.4mm; ±20%; 1000h; 18mA) is from company Nichicon and distributed with basic unit price 352,76 EUR. Minimal order quantity is 1 pc.

Capacitor type : electrolytic Mounting : SMD Capacitance : 10µF Operating voltage : 16V Body dimensions : Ø4 x 5.4mm Tolerance : ±20% Service life : 1000h Operating temperature : -55...105°C Operating current max. : 18mA Manufacturer : NICHICON

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